Waste Transfer Stations Here you will find details on the location, opening hours, charges and accepted waste types at our two waste transfer stations.
Bin collection - which bin, what day? Your bin collection days, upgrade options, and what to do if your bin is missed, stolen or damaged and many more frequently asked questions.
Soft Plastics Kerbside Collection Pilot We're participating in a 12-month soft plastics recycling trial. All residents will have the opportunity to recycle soft plastics waste through their kerbside collection service.
Container Deposit Scheme and changes to waste and recycling services On 1 November 2023 Victoria’s container deposit scheme, CDS Vic, commenced. Find out more here, as well as information on upcoming changes to your waste and recycling services.
Green waste What is green waste and how and where can you dispose of it as well as details about our free green waste weekends.
Waste education Here you can find a wealth of information about reducing household waste and managing what you put into each bin.
Plasticwise Indigo Find tips on how to reduce your use of plastic and connect with plasticwise community groups.
Detox Your Home Detox Your Home is a safe, free and easy to use service to dispose of unwanted, highly toxic household chemicals.
Electronic waste What is e-waste and where can Indigo residents take unwanted electrical items and household batteries.