Council adopts 2024/25 Budget

Published on 26 June 2024

Boorahaman East Road bridge from low angle showing compromised structure

Indigo Shire Council has adopted its 2024/25 budget.

In adopting the budget, Councillors acknowledged the challenges of delivering a balanced budget that meets Council’s long-term financial sustainability goals, without the need for new borrowings and staying within the rate cap.

Mayor Cr Sophie Price says, “We have again been able to achieve a budget that enables us to continue to deliver quality services, renew and maintain our assets and propose an ambitious capital works program.”

“We’ve had to balance current economic factors, such as inflation, with ensuring that we are meeting the needs of our community, largely expressed through our pre-budget community engagement.” Cr price says.

“Our pre-budget survey responses reflects the community’s desire for prioritised spending on maintaining and enhancing existing infrastructure, such as roads, drains, footpaths and community buildings, alongside a strong emphasis on promoting community well-being.”

“To this end, Council will invest $4M on roads, bridges, footpaths, drainage, community facilities and council buildings, which is part of a huge $18.7M capital works program, of which $11.6M is being carried forward from the current budget to complete projects already approved.

Cr Price says while rates and municipal charges will increase by 2.75%, there will be a reduction in the cost of kerbside bin collection, with council passing on savings from its new waste contract direct to ratepayers.

“Taking all this into consideration, we believe this budget reflects strong prudent financial management, ensuring our long-term financial sustainability,” Cr Price concluded.

Council also adopted Year 4 of the Council Plan 2021-2025 and Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan.


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